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Chapter 13 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

I'm the Top Student? (2)

My vision swam as I was hit with a completely unexpected turn of events.

The Galimar Academy—the most prestigious educational institution on the continent.

With the passing of winter and the arrival of spring, a new wind blew through the academy.

It was the day of the entrance ceremony.

The auditorium, filled with new students, was bustling with the ongoing ceremony.

The eyes of the fresh-faced students sparkled with excitement.

[Congratulations to everyone present on your admission.]

[I am Gaston Galimar, the headmaster of this academy. Before I begin the introduction…]

An aged voice resonated throughout the hall.

A white-haired old man stood on the platform. Although it was merely a ceremonial speech, his words carried a power that excited the students.

Most of the students, brimming with anticipation, listened attentively to the headmaster's address.

Of course, not everyone was like that.

There were also groups of students whispering amongst themselves.

They seemed to be engrossed in an interesting topic, their conversations hushed and secretive.

It was about a certain boy.

"Did you hear? About this year's top scorer."

The entrance exam results had been released a few days ago.

The students couldn't hide their astonishment at the completely unexpected outcome.

"I can't believe Her Highness the Princess didn't get first place…"

"Do you know anything about the top scorer?"

"Well, I heard he's the son of a Snake…"

"The Snakus family? They're undeniably a prestigious family, but haven't they always been irrelevant to magic?"

"That's what's strange to me too."

The First Princess was known as an unparalleled genius.

Her reputation was comparable to that of seasoned heroes.

The news that such a girl had placed second in a mere academy entrance exam was hard to accept.

Especially since the person who took first place instead was also unexpected.

"The young master of the Snakus family?"

"He's been shrouded in mystery. He's never once appeared in social circles…"

"To begin with, they haven't interacted with other noble families at all in recent years."

"What in the world is going on?"

"Oh, come to think of it, my friend said they saw the young master Snakus during the entrance exam."

"Really? What was he like?"


The rumors spread, and the topic became even hotter.

Anyone who had witnessed him during the entrance exam knew that the boy's performance wasn't that impressive.

"I heard he was below average?"

"Below average is a bit harsh… Maybe barely scraping by in the middle ranks?"

"What? That's still nowhere near the top."

"How did he beat Her Highness the Princess? Are you sure there wasn't an error in the ranking?"

"There's a high chance of that. I heard there was a similar mistake in the past."

"One thing's for sure…"

Public opinion turned negative.

"The current top scorer is nothing but a bubble."

The students quietly stifled their laughter.

A strange sense of animosity flickered in the air.

Those who sat in high places were accustomed to receiving the envy of others.

And it was even worse when someone deemed unqualified occupied the throne.

"Ha, top scorer? Preposterous."

"My father always said he didn't like the Snake family. He said they were too sly and unreadable."

"How dare he steal Her Highness's place."

The Snake boy found himself in that very situation.

Although unintentional, he had incurred the wrath of the student body.

The students, each with their own prejudices, glared at the platform.

[That concludes my address as headmaster.]

[Next, we will have the freshman representative speech by student Judas.]

[Please come up to the stage.]

Click, clack.

With the sharp sound of his shoes echoing behind him, a blond-haired boy ascended the platform.

Despite his somewhat casual gait, there was an air of elegance about him.

His first impression was surprisingly not bad.

[Hello. My name is Judas Snakus, and I'm honored to deliver the freshman representative speech.]

His narrow eyes were slightly open.

The boy, with a somewhat unsettling smile, greeted the students.

His voice carried an ominous undertone.


Life was full of unexpected mishaps.

Plans you thought were going smoothly could get completely overturned in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, that was my current predicament.

-I'm the top student?

My dream of blending in as an inconspicuous extra with average grades had been spectacularly shattered.

To make matters worse, I was now the freshman representative, expected to give a speech.

A wave of dizziness washed over me as I struggled to accept this unbelievable reality.

What in the world was going on?

Based on my entrance exam scores, I should be barely clinging to a spot in the middle ranks, let alone at the top.

No, wait. More importantly, if there was going to be a representative speech, shouldn't the academy have informed me beforehand…?

-We sent a letter to the Snakus family.

-We even received a reply confirming they had seen it… Could it be that you didn't receive the information?

I had no words. Damn it.

Even the academy probably didn't anticipate a situation where the top scorer of the entrance exam was treated like an outcast by their own family.

'Ugh, Father…'

It was one thing to be uninterested in your son, but this was just neglect on another level.

I felt an urge to sign him up for a child therapy show.

-Student Judas, it's your turn to take the stage soon. Please prepare yourself.

The freshman representative speech had been thrust upon me quite unexpectedly.

It was enough to make me want to scream and run away, but there was no escape from this predicament. All I could do was comply.

I stiffly made my way towards the stage.

I could feel the weight of gazes upon me as I drew closer.


All eyes were now focused on me.

From the characters of the original story to the headmaster, the faculty, and the other students, everyone was staring.

It was an overwhelming experience for a natural introvert like me…

But what could I do? I had to face the music.

Swallowing a sigh of resignation, I began to speak.

"Hello. My name is Judas Snakus, and I'm honored to deliver the freshman representative speech."

I was thankful for my 'Smiling Mask' trait at that moment.

At least I didn't have to worry about stumbling over my words or making a mistake.

As I offered myself this small comfort and turned my gaze towards the students, I noticed something strange.



The students were unusually quiet.

An unsettling silence hung in the air. I tilted my head, a metaphorical question mark popping up above me.

"What's wrong, everyone?"

Why were they being so well-behaved?

Weren't kids this age usually a lot more boisterous, no matter the occasion?

Maybe the entrance ceremony had them feeling nervous?

The thought brought a sliver of relief.

As expected, kids would be kids. They had their unexpectedly innocent moments.

"Haha… Seeing you all so stiff, I suppose you must be nervous about the entrance ceremony."

=Cute, how adorable.

I had no intention of standing out during this speech.

Just say some pleasant things they'd like to hear.

A typical protagonist might take this opportunity to declare war on the entire student body, but I wasn't cut out for that.

I had no desire to hold onto the top spot for long.

My plan was to simply make my presence known to the main characters of the original story and then hand the reins back to their rightful owner.

Being at the top was a bothersome position that came with unnecessary fame.

I wasn't the type to crave attention.

'I just want to see the ending.'

There was no point in me forcing my way through the story.

I was just a player who loved games.

All I wanted was to witness our protagonists overcome their limits and reach the end of their journey.

Being an extra who offered subtle support was enough for me.

Yes, I was the shadow.

I aspired to be an inconspicuous supporting character.

Reaffirming my goals, I continued speaking with a gentle smile.

"You've all probably heard about me. I've been undeservedly placed in the position of top scorer."

=I'm not sure why I'm the top scorer either, but I'll do my best.

"I was worried it might be a bit dull… but as expected, things never go according to plan, do they?"

=I was a bit worried, but… it seems everyone here is as exceptional as I expected, so I'm relieved.

"This is the best academy on the continent, after all."

=So this is the best academy on the continent. Purely expressing admiration.

"I'm very much looking forward to the days ahead."

=I'm genuinely looking forward to it.

As I offered these kind words, I could hear murmurs ripple through the student body.

They must be impressed by the top scorer's humble attitude.

Yes, my friends. That's right.

Your boy has received K-etiquette training, so he's always modest.

"I have high hopes for all of you."

=I have high hopes for all of you.

"My door is always open, so if anyone feels up to the challenge, feel free to approach me. I'll gladly accept."

=My door (friendship) is always open, so anyone who wants to get closer is always welcome.

"I do hope you'll keep me entertained."

=I hope we can all get along.

A heartwarming statement about wanting to be friends.

It was like a scene straight out of a slice-of-life youth drama. [T/N: Please understand your skill a bit more lol]

"I believe that concludes my speech."

The allotted time for my speech had come to an end.

I wrapped up my impromptu performance.

As I was about to step down from the platform, I added one last thought that had just crossed my mind.

"Oh, and one more thing."

=By the way.

"I'm not actually a villain. Please don't hate me."

=Even though I have these narrow eyes, I'm not a bad person.

It had been a surprisingly satisfying experience.

I had successfully planted a positive image of myself in the minds of the students.

With a satisfied smile, I exited the stage.


There had been a slight hiccup, but I had overcome it splendidly.

I had definitely made my presence known.

Even if I stepped down from the top spot later, they would at least think, 'That guy. He may not have been the most skilled, but he had a good personality.'

As I returned to my seat, happily lost in my thoughts…


[Hello. My name is Judas Snakus, and I'm honored to deliver the freshman representative speech.]

The moment the boy's first words echoed through the hall, the students in the auditorium froze in unison.

It was as if they had all made a silent pact to seal their lips.

They couldn't explain why. It was purely instinctual.

They felt an overwhelming sense of dread, a primal fear that kept their mouths shut tight.


An eerie silence descended upon them.

An inexplicable feeling, like an unseen entity, slithered around their necks, sending chills down their spines.

A wave of goosebumps erupted across their skin, a physical manifestation of the fear that gripped them.

What was this ominous feeling?

They couldn't sense any mana, any aura, any bloodlust emanating from the boy. Yet, this chilling premonition persisted.


Even the simple sound of a floorboard creaking felt like a threat, like a blade poised to strike.

Most of the students were drenched in a cold sweat. Some struggled to breathe, their chests constricting as if an invisible force pressed down on them.

[Hmm? What's wrong, everyone?]

Their trembling gazes shot towards the stage.

A thin layer of fear coated their vision.

The goosebumps that prickled their skin seemed to scream a single message: Beware.

It was an indescribable sensation.

The boy clearly possessed no extraordinary power.

His mana levels were below average, thin and weak. He didn't have the physique of a seasoned fighter either.

Every piece of information they could gather pointed to the boy being weak, vulnerable. And yet…

'What is this feeling?'

'He looks weak, but… I can't bring myself to relax.'

'My limbs feel heavy, like they're turning to lead.'

'It's not magic, or an illusion, or even bloodlust. Then what is this suffocating feeling…?'

'Damn it. That phony top scorer…!'

Their instincts screamed at them to be wary, to tread carefully.

Their rational minds told them they could crush him with ease, but their gut feeling whispered a starkly different message.

Be careful of that boy.

Most of the students wore expressions of bewilderment and apprehension.

Only a handful of the top-ranking students remained composed, their eyes gleaming with curiosity as they observed the boy on stage.

Was he aware of the effect he had on them?

With a knowing smirk, the boy with the narrow eyes began his speech.

[Haha… Seeing you all so stiff, I suppose you must be nervous about the entrance ceremony.]

His opening remark was a blatant provocation, a mockery directed at the very students who were paralyzed by an unseen fear just moments ago.

"How dare he…!"

"That little punk, acting all high and mighty…"

Some of the students glared at him, their pride wounded. But the boy continued, unfazed by their reactions.

[You've all probably heard about me. I've been undeservedly placed in the position of top scorer.]

His words dripped with sarcasm.

He knew. He knew about the rumors, the whispers behind his back, the doubts that clouded their judgment. And he was mocking them for it.

[I was worried it might be a bit dull… but as expected, things never go according to plan, do they?]

[This is the best academy on the continent, after all.]

[I'm very much looking forward to the days ahead.]

His narrow eyes swept across the faces of the students, lingering just long enough to make them squirm.

His words held a double meaning, a veiled threat masked by a thin veneer of pleasantries. It was as if he saw them as nothing more than insignificant insects beneath his notice.

[I have high hopes for all of you.]

[My door is always open, so if anyone feels up to the challenge, feel free to approach me. I'll gladly accept.]

[I do hope you'll keep me entertained.]

His arrogance was almost tangible.

It was a challenge, an invitation for anyone who dared question his position. Come at me, he seemed to say. Let's see what you've got.

His words, though spoken calmly, carried an undeniable weight, weaving an unsettling tension that clung to the air around him.

[I believe that concludes my speech.]

The allotted time for his speech drew to a close.

He delivered his closing remarks with an air of nonchalance, as if he couldn't be bothered to waste any more breath on this charade.

As he turned to leave, a ghost of a smile played on his lips. Just before stepping off the stage, he paused and added one final remark.

[Oh, and one more thing.]

The silence in the auditorium was so profound that his words reverberated throughout the hall, amplified by the anticipation that crackled in the air.

[I'm not actually a villain. Please don't hate me.]

The students could only stare as he departed, wiping the cold sweat from their brows.

They were left to grapple with the unsettling feeling that had taken root in their chests, a feeling they couldn't quite place but couldn't ignore.


"Astonishing, isn't he?"


Selena snapped back to reality at the sound of the old man's voice, his words laced with a hint of awe.

The lingering effects of the alcohol made it difficult to focus, but she managed to pull herself together, her purple eyes finally focusing on the speaker.


This time, she responded without missing a beat. "Yes, Headmaster."

Seated beside her was her mentor, Gaston Galimar, the Headmaster of Galimar Academy.

His gaze was fixed on a certain boy, a spark of intrigue in his aged eyes.

"You've certainly found an interesting one."

"Thank you," Selena replied, her tone carefully neutral.

"He may not possess any overwhelming strength, but the way he commands attention… that charisma is a rare gift." A faint smile played on the Headmaster's lips.

He may not have been top scorer material, but he was a diamond in the rough, a seed of potential that, with proper guidance, could blossom into something truly remarkable.

"It's a shame, really. To think that a child with such promise is bearing the brunt of your stubbornness."


Selena remained silent, her gaze fixed on the stage.

"Do you realize that your insistence on placing him in that position has made him a target? The other students… they resent him for it."

"I am aware," Selena replied, her voice barely a whisper.

"And yet you persist. That, my dear, is what I find most troubling."

The Headmaster sighed, a hint of disappointment in his voice. He gently flicked Selena on the forehead, a playful reprimand that did little to lighten the mood.

"This time, I will not help you. Are you confident?"

"What are you referring to······."

"The class assignment test."

A few days ago, there was a faculty meeting.

There was a condition imposed as a sort of punishment for Selena, who had arbitrarily decided the top student.

"Do you really think that child can maintain the top position?"

It was a question, but it wasn't really a question.

The headmaster had already concluded that the boy's rank would plummet in the class assignment test, and the other faculty members felt the same way.

Some were even snickering among themselves.

Ignoring their childish reactions, Selena lightly opened her mouth.

"We'll see."

Her red eyes soaked in indifference.

Selena recalls the pressure she felt from the boy during the entrance exam, and the unknown fear that overwhelmed her.

"We'll find out soon enough."

The woman answered plainly and turned her head.

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  1. Hahaha. This is how you do misunderstandings

  2. Are we sure there is an actual trait, and the MC isn't on some sort of spectrum instead?

    1. I know you said that as a joke, but that would be SO much interesting. Like, what's the point of the trait if the MC doesn't even notice its effects?

  3. Don't just let the mc loose bro for me the story would be uh underwhelming
