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Chapter 158 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

Navia's eyes widened slightly.

"Offering to become my dog?"

Edward was not someone who would throw himself to the ground and assume such a humiliating position. He would rather take his own life than do that.

'Why would such a person grovel to this extent before me?'

Navia furrowed her brows in perplexity.

She couldn't fathom why he worshipped her to this extent.

"I'm not that great of a person, Doctor."

Edward shook his head.

"That can't be true. You're the owner of the Familie Workshop and Hart Boutique. Those achievements are but a corner of the picture you paint."

How did he know that?

Indeed, Edward had always been someone who gathered information through quite unique means. This had earned him Nikan's complete trust.

"I do not seek a colleague. I am willing to be a word you use and discard. Please bestow mercy upon me so that I may atone for my sins."

Edward placed both hands on the ground, assuming a completely humiliating posture. His boiling sincerity was palpable.

Navia stood silently in front of him.

What should I do with this person?

'...It might be good to end this long evil fate.'

Finally, Navia spoke.

"Then do so."


Edward lifted his head in surprise.

Navia's calm gaze was descending upon him.

"Become my dog, Teacher."

Edward actually thought he would not be accepted as one of Navia's people.

The deed he had committed was too heinous; he was prepared to be cast out.


He unknowingly clenched his hand resting on the floor.

It was because of an uncontrollable, base joy that enveloped his entire body like a shiver.

Edward vowed.

"My master, I will follow whatever you say, no matter what."

Even if it were death, willingly.

Navia lifted her chin, speaking with a stern look in her eyes.

"I will not tolerate betrayal, so make a sorcerer's contract."

Without hesitation, Edward staked his life and became Navia's servant.

Additionally, Navia had become almost like a deity to him.

‘...Indeed, I am an incarnation.’

Edward was still unaware of this fact, and Navia found it quite amusing.

When the contract of the magician was sealed and a silver ring was placed on his index finger, Edward exhaled a hot breath.

Ah, at last...!

Navia extended her hand.

Edward, with hands trembling slightly, respectfully held Navia's hand and barely touched it with his lips.

Even a man who had sworn his knightly oath to his lady could not kiss the back of her hand with such a reverent attitude.

Navia withdrew her hand and asked,

"How did things go with Agnes?"

"I managed to get away under the pretext of preparing for my reinstatement as a professor at the academy."

Edward shared that Wood, unable to change his temperamental nature even at the academy, was also not achieving particularly outstanding grades.

"So, I am planning to go to the academy to watch his back."

"How long will your preparation for reinstatement take?"

"In a year, I will be able to re-enter the academy."

Navia nodded her head.

"That's perfect, teacher."

In a year, Creed will turn ten. That was the perfect age to enroll in the academy.

"There's a student that you need to take care of, teacher."

Until now, Navia had focused on teaching Creed about etiquette. However, he needed more advanced training in noble etiquette for men.

There was no one more suitable for this task than Edward.

'I have to prepare Creed to be introduced to the world.'

"Follow me, please."

Navia walked through the main gate with Edward.

Creed was still using the annex.

However, many things about the original annex had changed.

First, there was a newly expanded training ground, as well as a flower garden and a playground that Navia had helped create.

In that space, both quaint and fierce, a boy suddenly appeared, enveloped in a deep blue magical power resembling a lightning bolt.

Neatly trimmed black hair, shining blue eyes.

The wild and fierce aura emanating from his small frame was extraordinarily uncommon.

Edward found himself unconsciously swallowing dry saliva.

Navia introduced him.

"Please meet second Prince, Creed."

Edward's eyes widened in surprise.

How could the second prince, who was believed to have died with the empress, be here?

"Until now, he has been protected in Eseled," she explained.

Creed wiped the sweat from his chin with the back of his hand and approached Navia.


In the past two years, Creed had grown significantly.

He had matured mentally, appropriate for his age, and his martial skills were impressive enough to astonish even Lark. He had even grown half a head taller than Navia.

"Creed, this is Count Edward Wayne. He will be your etiquette teacher from now on."

Creed looked at Edward with a clear expression and greeted him.

"Nice to meet you, Count Wayne."

"Please, call me Teacher Edward, Your Highness."

Navia was immersed in serious thought about formally hiring Edward.

"Now, I must get permission from father..."

Navia looked at Edward with a curious gaze.

Edward, with a puzzled expression, asked cautiously, "Why do you ask?"

"Do you have a good tolerance for pain?"

"Tolerance for pain...?"

"Just wondering..."

'My father might hit him.'

Navia didn’t elaborate and simply pointed towards the main building.

"Shall we go to the third floor first?"

* * *

Navia and Edward entered Lark’s office, leaving Creed behind.

He wandered around the main building lobby, waiting for Navia to return.

"Oh, Lord Creed. Would you like some cookies?"

"Lord Creed! Want some candy?"

The servants, upon spotting Creed, took out snacks from their pockets and handed them over in abundance.

Creed’s pockets bulged, his hands full of treats. He blinked and then smiled broadly.

"Yes, thank you."

Creed, already dazzlingly handsome, caused a stir just by shyly smiling, without any other action.

Unlike boys of his age who usually caused trouble or indulged in dangerous antics, Creed was exceptionally gentle.

This does not mean he was a frail boy.

Creed occasionally lost control of his magical power, turning the garden into a mess, so Eseled's servants were well aware of his tremendous strength.

But Creed was safe.

"Are you waiting for Miss Navia?"

"Yes, I'll be tending the flower garden with my noona soon."

How could a boy who speaks so gently about the flower garden, his eyes soft and kind, be dangerous?

Then Margaret approached Creed upon spotting him.

"Are you waiting for Miss Navia on the third floor? I hope we haven't been a bother."

"It's fine, except for receiving too many gifts."

With that, Creed proudly showed Margaret the snacks he had received.

"Please have some, Miss Margaret."

"Oh my, thank you. But there's so much, we should share it little by little."

Margaret summoned a shadow to bring a small basket.

"Shall we put it in here?"

Creed obediently began transferring the snacks into the basket.

"Won't they be disappointed for not being able to eat plenty of snacks?"

The watching servants felt even more pity.

"I’ll prepare some cool juice and send it to the flower garden. Have it later with Miss Navia."

"Ah, then… please make some waffles too."

Margaret said with a teasing look in her eyes.

"Waffles are Miss Navia’s favorite snack, aren’t they?"

"Yes. She seemed a bit down, so..."

That's why he wanted to care for the flowers Navia liked and have her favorite snacks. It would surely brighten her mood.

"How can our Creed be so tender-hearted?"

Lately, Margaret's joy in life was watching Navia and Creed.

She asked teasingly.

"Do you like Miss Navia that much, Creed?"


"Hehe, our young master, at this rate, you might grow up and beg the lady to marry you."

At those words, Creed's eyes went wide.

"What? Marry? That's ridiculous."

Creed burst into a light laugh.

Marrying Miss Navia? As he had just said, it was truly an absurd thought.

"She is my sister, after all."

She was someone who made me happy when she patted my head and praised me, and when we laughed together, I felt joy.

A being I always hoped would keep smiling.

Someone I wanted to protect as much as she protected me, if not more.

She was such an existence to me.

To me, Navia was everything.

"We are family."

Margaret burst into laughter alone, saying, "Oh my," as if finding something amusing.

"What should we do with our young master? It looks like he is going to suffer a severe heartache."


Creed tilted his head in confusion, not understanding the meaning behind Margaret's words.

Margaret just smiled meaningfully, saying it was nothing.

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  1. Isn't Margaret smartest in this bunch... Relationship-wise? Have an incling that Nevea os Lark's daughter and even predicted our ML xD
