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Chapter 159 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,FantasyBonus chapter thanks to @MangaPrincess from Ko-fi!

That day, Lark announced to his vassals that starting tomorrow, they would part ways for 10 years.

There were no tears. They had lived for two years with this day in mind. Instead, they threw a party.

"It's a cause for celebration."

It was an opportunity to break the painful cycle of infinite regressions and live as an ordinary person.

Navia opened her window wide before dawn and looked outside.

As was her habit, she looked at the sky and smelled the wind.

"It looks like it's going to rain."

The wind whooshed, causing the flowers in the garden to shake and their petals to flutter like snow.

She remembered her first day here.

The day when, as soon as she discarded her pearl hairpin, snow began to fall as if by magic.

Yes, the sky was overcast, just like that day.

Drip. Drop.

Soon, the spring rain began to fall.

Navia quietly called the name of a deity, looking at Cesare sitting on the windowsill.


At that, a dazzling light shone in Cesare's eyes.

- It's been a long time, child.

Nyx stood up briskly and hugged Navia, not hiding her joy.

- It's amazing how much you've grown, you'll soon become a young lady.

Navia chuckled softly and greeted them warmly in return.

"How have you been?"

"Of course. The celestial realm is always in chaos, so if one doesn't manage well, they might collapse from anger."

It was a statement that left it ambiguous whether they had been doing well or not.

- Are you well-prepared?

"Yes. I am prepared."

That's what she had to say.

But her lips only parted briefly, and no sound came out; they closed again.

She had undoubtedly done many things that she could call preparation.

There was no lack in anything, be it war preparations or otherwise. She even held the powerful key that could change the economic landscape, the recharged magic stones.

There should be nothing to fear. That's how it should be.

But in reality, it felt like she was not prepared at all.

Navia pulled the corners of her mouth up.

Smiling when she didn't want to smile was still something she did best.

"Yes, I am prepared."

- You rascal.

Nyx opened his arms wide, chiding her gently as if he knew everything.

- Come here.


Navia couldn't help but laugh, causing Nyx to put on even more airs.

- Ahem.

Navia tightly embraced Nyx.

- Don't worry. Your father is a tough guy, so he'll probably wake up early.

It was unclear whether it was praise or a curse, but Navia felt more reassured by it.

Right. Dad is amazing.

'So everything will be fine.'

"……I hope so."

- So, about that, child.

Nyx, slightly pulling away from Navia's embrace, made a suggestion.

- If you could use both Black Moon and White Moon at the same time, would you do it? If you do, the power of White Moon will be significantly reduced.

"……By how much?"

- Originally, it could have almost completely restored your father's body, which was in ruins, but if you also use Black Moon, it will only be able to heal general external and internal injuries.

"So it means it's impossible to heal powers related to the gods?"

- Exactly. It cannot revive someone on the brink of death. Of course, even then, it’s a great power, as you would be able to heal most diseases that no doctor can cure.

"So, it's still a remarkable ability, isn't it? After all, there's no ordinary person suffering from a divine curse."

- That's true. Then, would you also use the power of the Black Moon?


Navia answered without hesitation that she would do so.

'I guess I'm more suited to be a spear than a shield.'

With the Black Moon, facing a wizard was relatively less frightening.

No, in fact, if she kept stealing magical power, she could live like a wizard.

- However, the power of the Black Moon has diminished, just like the White Moon.

It was somewhat disappointing that she could possess both powers, but both would be reduced in strength.

- To extract magical power with the Black Moon, you need to make physical contact, right?

"That's right."

- Before, a brief contact was enough to extract a significant amount of magical power, but now you need to maintain contact longer to extract a large amount.

"Ah... How long?"

- To manifest proper magical power, you'd probably need to hold on for at least a minute.


- Still, the good thing about the Black Moon is that if you increase the intensity of the physical contact, you can quickly...


Navia was startled, which in turn made Nyx puzzled.

- Of course, by increasing the level of contact with the other party, like kissing or engaging in a relationship… Oh, you're still a baby, aren't you!

Nyx then realized her mistake.

Navia is still a child and hasn't kissed anyone yet!

- Good heavens.

That was what Navia wanted to say.

- Well… anyway, try it when you get a chance.

Who am I supposed to kiss? Navia firmly shook her head, certain that such a thing would never happen.

Phew, her cheeks involuntarily heated up.

"I should go to dad now."

Navia picked up Nyx and headed to Lark's bedroom.

Knock, knock.


Although it was early, Navia knew Lark wouldn't be sleeping.

'He seems to watch mom's video every day.'

Lark could survive almost without eating and was an entity that remained fine even with little sleep.

For him, a day's time was unimaginably long. His life must undoubtedly feel like hell.

Thus, Lark, who lived only because he couldn't die, had his days filled by Navia.

His nights were filled with Camilla's images, her portraits and objects airlifted from the Vladina Marquisate's house.

Click. As the door opened, Lark appeared in comfortable attire. He gazed at a rabbit doll and then tilted his head slightly.


- Yeah, you brat.

Lark clicked his tongue and swung the door wide open.

"You're early."

- I came because our baby called!

Navia entered with Nyx in tow.

Lark went to the spacious sofa, sprawled out on it, and shot back.

"Don't just call someone else's baby 'baby', will you?"

- Hmph, why, are you jealous? Do you want me to call you baby too?

"Do you want to die?"

Navia thought that these two gods could very likely end up in a truly childish fight.

"Both of you, please don't fight."

As soon as Navia's eyebrows drooped slightly with a sad expression, Lark grunted and glared sharply at Nyx.

"When did I ever fight? It's all because of this guy."

- What did you say!


Lark closed his mouth in displeasure.

He was most afraid of Navia crying. Next to that, what truly terrified him was when Navia got genuinely angry.

"Alright. Come here, my daughter."

Navia trotted over and sat in the space on the sofa where Lark was almost lying down.

Then, Lark skillfully combed Navia's hair with his hands and parted it here and there.

"I wanted to succeed in braiding it into four parts and then fall asleep."

Just then, Nyx, who had leaped onto the table, giggled.

- Can't you even braid four parts? You're a fool!

"If you don't quiet down, I might just pluck out all your cotton."

Despite Lark's menacing warning, Nyx continued to hop around on the table as if it was amusing.

- Dummy! Dummy!

"That darn rabbit..."

Lark, unable to bear it any longer, clenched his fist and abruptly stood up.

Even if it meant waking up, he felt a strong impulse to disassemble the ears of that rabbit doll before he left.

"Daddy is a genius."

Hesitating for a moment.

Lark stopped his motion of trying to grab the rabbit's ears.

Navia continued in a serious tone.

"Nyx, do you know what Dad has created? He made a magic stone charging factory and gifted it to me."

Starting from there, Navia went on about how Lark was an incredible inventor, scholar, and a genius magician.

Naturally, Lark's sitting posture became increasingly arrogant and lax, while Nyx's expression soured.

- Look at that, defending her father like that. This is why they say there’s no use in raising kids!

Lark then adjusted his posture and focused intently on doing a four-strand braid.

- Really, that’s not how you do it. It won’t look pretty that way!

Nyx was diligently giving tips from the side.


Finally, Lark succeeded in making two four-strand braids on each side.

He didn’t stop there but went on to roll the braided hair into a ball-like shape and finished it off with a lace ribbon.

Upon completing the hairstyle he wanted, Lark cheered in triumph.

"Wow! This is it! This is exactly what I wanted!"

He excitedly summoned the mirror right in front of Navia's nose.

"How is it?"

Navia checked her adorable hairstyle and smiled broadly.

"It's pretty."

"Right? Doesn't it look better than the one Margaret did for you?"

'...So he was feeling competitive.'

In fact, the hairstyle done by Margaret wasn't just about satisfying aesthetic pleasure for her.

It was like the first token of belonging here.

That's why Navia liked that hairstyle the most, but she was worried that Lark might get upset if she spoke the truth.

Navia nodded vigorously.

"The hairstyle done by dad is the prettiest!"

Lark smiled wider on one side of his mouth.

"I always say, I can't do what I can't do."

- Damn it...

Nyx's mumbling wasn't heard by the two.

Lark hugged Navia tightly and said.

"When I wake up, I'll do your hair like this again."

"By then, I'll be an adult."

"So what? You're pretty no matter what you do."

Navia giggled at Lark's brazen words.


Her laughter gradually subsided.

Feeling the time to leave was approaching, she could no longer laugh.

Lark, cradling Navia in his arms, paced the room as if soothing a crying child.

"Make sure to take lots of photos and draw many portraits."

Navia felt a lump in her throat, trying to hold back her tears.

Don't cry. Dad will be sad.

Smile. Respond with a smile. While smiling...

"If I miss Dad a lot, I'll look at the videos, portraits, and photos we've taken so far."


But she couldn't respond.

"Eat a lot. That way you'll grow taller."

Squeezing tightly, Navia could only nod her head weakly as she hugged Lark's neck, unable to do anything else.

"Don't get sick. Oh, with White Moon around, you should be fine. But still, don't get sick."

His casual nagging sounded incredibly sweet.

That's why it was unbearable. It hurt her heart, made her feel sorrowful, more agonizing than the numerous times she'd been betrayed and died...

"Navia, you are the greatest fortune I could have never dared to hope for."

I feel the same way.

"Thank you for coming to me."

At his words of gratitude, tears began to fall like the rain outside the window.

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