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Chapter 43 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.Bonus chapter thanks to '@Alan' for subscription to 'Pebble' tier on Ko-fi.

The Villainous Young Lady’s Despicable Move (1)

Thanks to the excessive overprotection of her father and older brothers since childhood, Selena had almost no immunity to men.

“You, you just glanced at our Selena three times. What does that mean? Are you asking to go up against our Yohaiden!?”

“Father, is that true!? What kind of scoundrel is he!?”

“……Three glances at Selena is a crime.”


The Duke Yohaiden family was known for their gentle nature and distance from authority, but their attitude would change 180 degrees when it came to their youngest daughter.

So much so that it was widely known that no one dared to treat Selena disrespectfully.

If she had to mention any male relationships, it would only be the First Prince, whom her father and older brothers could not forcefully stop.

Even that was a vague memory from when she was too young.

As such, her body was pure, with no point of contact with any men other than those who lived and boarded in the Duke's mansion.

However, the ivory tower of knowledge that she had built up through various books was high.

From soft and innocent ones to the hardcore tastes she was just reading.

Selena fostered her fantasies by reading all sorts of books.

Fantasies about a fateful encounter with an ideal man.

Fantasies about becoming lovers with him and making love.

And fantasies about a first experience where she shyly reveals her fluttering heart.

Fantasies about a slightly rough and passionate love.

As such, imagination and delusion piled up, and even though she had never had a relationship with a man, Selena had high standards.

If she hadn't met Zeke, meeting someone else might have been a distant dream.

Selena squeezed her eyes shut.

‘At first, I wanted a gentle experience, facing each other……. But from behind!?’

Zeke seemed to prefer making love like a beast.

‘I know! There are all sorts of preferences in the world, and some people like it rough. I'm curious too, but……. But even so! You could at least say something like I like you, or l-love you…… or something similar!’

A surge of frustration welled up inside her, but she swallowed it down.

Selena had no choice but to grab the hem of her slip dress.

The thin clothes she was wearing slowly pulled up.

And then her naked body was revealed in front of Zeke.

The flickering candlelight cast shadows, creating a seductive silhouette.


Zeke groaned as he watched.

‘For some reason, I feel like I'm doing something bad……. No, this is necessary.’

A slender waist, soft and firm buttocks,

And the curves of her chest that caught his eye even from behind.

Even her skin was as white and smooth as ivory.

Selena's figure was undeniably attractive.

However, looking at her body as a swordsman.

‘Her chest is too big, so it'll put a strain on her waist every time she swings a sword. Her physique doesn't seem to build muscle, and her bones are too thin…….’

There were too many factors that hindered her from wielding a sword.

‘Indeed, her body is not suitable for using a sword.’

Selena glanced at Zeke and moved her hand to the string of her underwear tied around her waist.

Zeke quickly reached out and stopped her.

“You don't have to go that far, Selena.”

She clenched her fists.

Just how far did this man's eccentric tastes go?

She wished he would at least be considerate of the fact that this was her first time.

‘Are you going to skip it? While I’m still wearing this!?’

Her entire naked body, except for her underwear, was reflected in his eyes.

Embarrassment soared through the roof, and her heart pounded like crazy in shame.

Selena couldn't say anything.

“Then, sit down like that.”

An indifferent voice, as if he would not consider her feelings or thoughts.

An uncompromising order was given.


It was the first time she had received such a humiliating order.

A strange and eerie sensation ran down her spine.

Who else could give such a strong order to her, the daughter of the Duke?

She might be above him in status, but.

He dominated her with his aura alone.

‘Ah……. I think I like being ordered around.’

Selena realized that her body was secretly anticipating his commands.

A strange feeling of not wanting to disobey.

She knelt down on the spot.

Selena searched through the knowledge in her head, trying to imagine what Zeke was trying to do now.

‘At times like this……. The, the ultimate shadow! Then I have to open my mouth first…….’


She closed her eyes and opened her mouth.


Then, at the returning praise, her chest tightened with a sense of fulfillment.

“First, take a deep breath like that. You seem too tense.”

“Yes, yes. I understand.”

Haaa… Hoo…

Selena took a deep breath.

‘I’m finally becoming an adult.’

It wasn't the first time she had dreamed of, but still, her partner was the instructor.

Perhaps, if he was this type, he would give orders relentlessly, insult her, or force her to do shameful things.

He would torment me all night long, and I would be played with endlessly.

And every time I do something embarrassing, the instructor will compliment me nonchalantly.

‘I-It might not be so bad…….’

Selena felt her face flush as she imagined what would happen with Zeke.

'I think I'm okay with orders. But I still don't want to be hurt……. Surely, he doesn't have that kind of inclination, does he?'

Selena was a little worried that Zeke might be the type who got pleasure out of hitting.

Then, contrary to her expectation that something would come towards her mouth,

Suddenly, she felt the touch of a rough palm on her back.

A shiver ran down her spine!


'I don't want to be hit!'

Her waist buckled at the unfamiliar sensation, and her body trembled.

It was the same hand that had touched her many times when Zeke had given her a massage, but

She had no idea that his touch would be so different when she was dressed and when she was naked!



Suddenly, she felt something unfamiliar pushing into her body.

Something foreign began to spread carefully.

‘I-I haven't read about this in any books!’


Zeke felt Selena's mana road with his palm and analyzed her mana pattern.

She had seemed talentless from the start, but she wasn't.

Zeke's eyes widened in surprise as he examined her mana road.

‘Oh… Wow. It's really clean. This is like a newborn baby. And why is it so big? Does she have a mana pocket or something?’

Selena's mana pattern was so pure that it was closer to divine power than mana.

And her mana road was as wide as an eight-lane highway compared to Zeke's body, which was like a narrow path.

‘Ha……. This is enough to be promising even in a dark fantasy.’

This was the greatest compliment Zeke could give.

‘It’s a world where they can’t even think of learning magic, so her mana road is completely untouched. Even better.’

This was definitely the talent to become a great mage.

But Zeke snorted.

‘She’d just be a mage.’

What Zeke was going to teach her was the highest level of swordsmanship that could easily overcome any magic that a mage could conjure.

No matter how powerful the magic a mage casts, nothing can block her sword unless it's the Demon King himself.

‘This is perfect for learning the Heavenly Dance of a Thousand Swords(???).’

Well, his first thought wasn’t wrong.

A rapier swordsmanship for women that uses almost no physical strength

And relies solely on mana to assist most of the body's movements.

The sword of angels, Heavenly Dance of a Thousand Swords (???).

The three prerequisites for using it.

Female gender.

Pure mana.

Overwhelming mana capacity.

Zeke never thought that Selena would be born with the latter two, so

He was thinking of making up for her lack of mana with physical training.

However, if her mana road was this large and pure,

In fact, it wouldn't matter if she skipped physical training altogether starting tomorrow.

‘It was a good idea to check.’

Zeke removed his hand from her back and spoke.

“Selena. You'll have to start individual training tomorrow.”

“……Yes!? T-Training? You want me to train…… this?”

Zeke nodded.

“Yes, you may not know it because it's still dormant, but you have a great advantage.”

“What do you mean all of a sudden…….”

“It's truly amazing. Very big.”

“Y-You like big things?”

“Yes, I'm jealous.”


‘Jealous of big things……?’

Selena stared down at her own perky breasts.

'Of course, I've heard that men like big things, but do they express it as jealousy?'

For some reason, it felt like Zeke and her were not on the same page.

Moreover, what they were doing now was so different from what she knew.

‘No, wait. Something foreign entered my body. It felt strange. At first, it hurt a little, then it tickled, then it felt good, and my body got hot, but……?’

The sensations were similar to the descriptions in the novels, so she was unsure and

Selena kept her mouth shut for now.

‘Is this right?’

Selena tilted her head and decided to ask directly.

“Um, Instructor?”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“What are we doing right now?”

“Didn't I tell you? I'm checking your mana road.”


‘Mana road all of a sudden? What’s that?’

Selena thought hard and recalled one of the advanced courses in magic studies.

A mythical path said to exist in the body of a mage!

Research on magic was so mysterious and far-fetched that it wasn't really dealt with seriously.

‘Huh? Then why? I’m not a mage?’

“Why are you checking that?”

“I guess my explanation wasn’t clear enough. It’s so you can use a sword.”


Suddenly, Selena's face hardened.

After a few seconds of eternal silence, Selena spoke again.

“So……. You’re saying that the reason I’m taking my clothes off……. And doing this……. Is all for my swordsmanship?”

“Yes, that’s why I said it was an unreasonable request.”


Tremble, tremble.

Selena's whole body trembled.

Her face flushed red,

And she wanted to run to the central lake of Ramielli Academy right away.

‘Wh-What am I doing right now!!! No! What! Wait! Aaaaah!!!!!!!!’

Her hands trembled at the overwhelming shame.

She wanted to scream, but

With desperate patience, Selena suppressed it.

First, she had to get Zeke out of the room.


Selena called out to Zeke, turning her head back, trying to keep her voice from shaking as much as possible.


Zeke nodded with his usual expression.

Seeing his nonchalant face made Selena grind her teeth.

Of course, he had done nothing wrong! Even though she had misunderstood on her own!

'Wh-What kind of feelings am I having right now!!!'

Tears welled up in Selena's eyes.

"Get out."


"Please leave now."

"Yes, I was just about to leave anyway……."

"Get out now!!!!!!!!"

Selena didn't even think to put her clothes back on and chased Zeke out of the room.


The door slammed shut violently.

‘What was that?’

Zeke tilted his head, not understanding.

Selena Yohaiden's room.

The sounds of something being hit repeatedly and screams could be heard from within for a long time.

“Uwaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! Are you crazyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uwaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!”

* * *

The next day.

The first day of swordsmanship class with the students she would spend the next four years with had dawned.

Zeke faced the students.

As always, he had bread in his hand.



"You're here.“

Selena wouldn't meet Zeke's gaze and just stared at the ground.

Zeke turned his head.



"Answer me."


Rosnante glared at Zeke with resentment in his eyes, then immediately lowered his head.

"Ah, I told you not to speak. Yes, you don't have to answer."

From early in the morning, he had been muttering nonsense like 'It starts again today' with an annoying look on his face, so

Zeke had blocked Rosnante's mouth with mana.

Now that he could freely use mana to some extent, he could use it in a variety of ways.





Soi Spoon, who answered cheerfully, and Yuri, who answered in a dying voice as always.

And…… Zeke turned his gaze to the red-haired girl.

She looked very tired.



"Good, everyone's here. I hope you all had a chance to recover over the weekend. We'll start training in earnest from today. Today……"

Zeke was about to explain the training course to everyone except Selena.

At that moment, Iriel spoke up.


"That's disrespectful."

"Ah, Instructor."

“Yes. What is it?”

Iriel hesitated at Zeke's question and opened her mouth.

"That……. The necklace I gave you three days ago……. Could you give it back to me……?"

Huh? Necklace?

Ah, the bright red one?

‘I already used it to inscribe a tattoo on the back of my hand……?’

Zeke couldn't help but make a disappointed face.

Ah, he had been had.

He had been wary of the fact that she had given it to him beforehand, knowing that he needed a magic stone.

However, he never dreamed that she would ask for it back.

He never imagined that a proud woman like the Duke's daughter would say such a thing.

‘No! Hey, it’s against the rules to take back what you’ve already given!’

It was a despicable yet fatal move, befitting a villainous young lady.

‘Ha, so that’s how it’s going to be?’

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