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Chapter 179 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

He was certain he had heard wrong. The thought that his sister was suddenly asking for a kiss was definitely a deranged fantasy.

Honestly, when she suggested going to the lounge, he couldn’t deny that some odd thoughts had crossed his mind...

But for those misguided wishes to suddenly become reality?

‘...Is this really happening?’

Creed felt his mind getting muddled as he tried to open a conversation with as much composure as he could muster.


That was the most rational response he could manage.

"About the kiss. You and I, our lips overlapping..."

"Wait a minute, noona."

He realized then. This wasn’t some hallucination born from his desperate fantasies. Navia was staring at him with eyes so determined, as if she would pounce at any moment if he just said yes.

He swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry.

Navia, looking slightly anxious, awkwardly explained.

"If there’s a problem with the emperor's well-being, I can heal it with my powers. You know, there's nothing Black Moon can't heal, right?"

But how did that turn into asking for a kiss?

Creed had just begun to entertain such a question when Navia provided a clear answer.

"The Black Moon absorbs mana faster the higher the level of contact. In order to approach the Emperor, I need to use invisibility magic so I won't be seen."

In fact, Creed could have cast that spell on her himself.

But Creed, not foolishly, didn't blurt out such nonsense.

'It's the first time in my life that the Emperor is actually helping me.'

Creed had a deep-seated hatred for the Emperor.

The Emperor was the direct cause of his mother's death and even neglected him; yet, when he found Creed useful, he quickly started calling him his son, a repulsive egotist.

In reality, going to the battlefield was an unavoidable choice for mana control, but the Emperor also urged participation.

Claiming that the morale would rise if 'my son' participated in battle, he said, 'You were born with such immense power for this purpose.'

Fulfill the duty of a prince.

It was nothing but hollow nonsense.

Sometimes, the fact that such a man's blood flowed in his veins brought Creed to the brink of intense self-loathing.

"Really... Are you sure it's okay?"

Kissing was what she desired. Yet, a twinge of guilt made her hesitate for a moment.

"I have no one else to ask but you."

Navia was not a magician and had only seen Lark use the invisibility magic.

She had no idea that the invisibility magic could be applied to others as well. Thus, she thought of kissing as the most ideal method.

'Kissing is just like artificial respiration, nothing more.'

Even though she convinced herself it was no different from artificial respiration, her heart was pounding as if it would burst out of her chest.

'No, this is definitely not in any sexual sense.'

Navia believed she was being very rational, sharp, and cool-headed in her judgment.

Yet, her heart was anxious.

"Otherwise, I'll have to find another magician who can use invisibility magic and... kiss them."

"I'll do it."

The mere thought of Navia kissing someone else was enough to make Creed's blood boil with murderous intent.

Creed immediately leaned on the door, bowing his upper body swiftly.

His shadow swiftly engulfed Navia.

As their faces drew closer, even though she knew this act was to share magical power, and even though she was the one who had suggested it, she still felt at a loss.

‘Is this really the best way?’

No matter how much she pondered, the answer was always the same.

This was the best way.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of invisibility magic, the fact that Navia could use her powers when necessary made it beneficial to kiss him ten or even a hundred times.

Just before their lips touched, Creed's face abruptly came closer, causing Navia to blink in surprise. Creed whispered softly to her.

"Are you going to keep looking at me?"

Only then did Navia tightly close her eyes.

Her eyelashes, fluttering like butterfly wings, were clearly visible up close.

Creed, sensing her tension, licked his lips.

Whatever the reason, this was their first kiss. Even if this kiss was merely a necessity for her, it was different for Creed.

He firmly wrapped his arms around Navia's waist and held the back of her head with his other hand.

Navia suddenly found herself suspended in mid-air and quickly wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

In fact, there was no need for such a grip; it felt as if they were securely fixed in place, stable and unyielding.

Creed twisted their heads, overlapping their bodies as if not allowing even the slightest gap between them.

Soon, their lips locked together.

First, he lightly brushed the surface of her lips and then retreated.

A tiny gap formed between their lips, only to meet again. Pressing softly against her plump lips, he gently parted them, and Navia willingly responded. Creed leaned in deeper, delving into her mouth.

Their hot breaths mingled, and the embrace of their hands intensified.

It was then that Navia realized this could never be mistaken for something as mundane as artificial respiration.

Her entire body tingled with excitement, and she found herself pulling his head closer without even realizing it.

Creed responded earnestly to her touch. He deepened the kiss, soothing the urgent Navia, and slowly stepped away.

Their bodies gently swayed with each step, until they found themselves lying overlapped on the wide sofa set up in the rest area.

The magic, which had not stirred even with hand-holding and hugging, now flowed in forcefully.

The air became so refreshingly intoxicating and filled with an overwhelming scent that it was confusing whether this place was the royal palace or the middle of a forest.

I was entirely enveloped in Creed's scent.

It felt as if we were isolated from the world, trapped in our own forest, intensely exploring each other.

'Still not enough.'

Navia craved more magic power, even though it was steadily accumulating within her.

'More, much more…'

She couldn't tell if what she desired was the magic itself or Creed in his entirety.

Regardless, the amount of magic Navia had in mind was still not reached.

Navia suddenly felt a thirst.

In a semi-conscious state, Navia made a new decision.

Desiring to absorb magic faster, she decided to slightly escalate things.

Navia began to roughly remove the clothes Creed was wearing.

Creed, too, in his lost state of mind, willingly started to unbutton his shirt.

The magic seemed to flow into her more rapidly.

Creed was also feeling the sensation.

He was astonished to feel the tormenting magic power stabilizing rapidly, yet he thought this was even more tormenting.

Instead of the magic power, it was now the sexual desire that was unbearably tormenting him.

As their lips briefly parted in their fervent embrace, Navia voiced her desperation.

"No, more..."

There was no time to be apart, even for a moment. That's why, pulling Creed tightly towards her, she initiated their lips meeting again and swept her tongue inside his mouth.

Creed was on the verge of madness.

Yet, he endured. He had to. He couldn't lose control and create a mess here, like a dog in heat.

"…Is it enough now?"

He was the first to pull away and asked.

Even then, unable to suppress his heat, he bit her lip several times, making a sound.

Navia, gasping for breath with a dazed expression, nodded.

"Uh-huh, it's enough…"

"That's good."

Creed let out a low laugh, gently pressing his lips to the bridge of her nose and then kissed her forehead, where the hair had become disheveled.

As if overwhelmed by an irresistible affection towards a lover one cannot help but love, kisses were showered on cheeks and eyelids.

He tenderly embraced Navia's nape and lower back, gently lifting her upper body.

"It's okay now......"

Navia, though appearing troubled, did not push Creed away.

It was more accurate to say she couldn't.

She wanted to remain lost in this sweet moment, so enchanting that she could forget the current situation.

Even while thinking this, her inherently diligent nature led her hands to tidy Creed's unbuttoned shirt.

The muscles, almost unbelievably human, were gradually concealed by the white shirt, hastily fixed into place.

Navia's own attire was not entirely proper either, so Creed, having removed his jacket earlier, draped it over her.

"I think I may have wrinkled your dress too much. I should have been more careful, sorry."

As he sought forgiveness, he once again pressed his lips against the temple of Navia's head.

All the while, Navia gazed at him with eyes lost in some distant memory.

'Another jacket, then.'

In 8th Round, I remembered Creed, who had given me his jacket.

He was kind in both my past and present life. Somehow, my heart felt tightly squeezed by this fact.

I could no longer hide my feelings.

Nor could I deceive myself. We had already kissed, and I even thought of more.

It was all possible. With Creed, anything was possible. The implication was clear.

"…Creed, I have something I want to tell you."

Creed responded.

"I have something I want to tell you too, noona."

Both realized that they were about to say the same thing.

They both laughed softly.

A thrilling tension mixed with sweet, warm affection lingered in the air.

"Let's talk when we get home."

Instead of responding with words, Creed captured her lips with his.

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