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Chapter 24 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

I Became the Mastermind Who Betrays the Heroines,but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

A Vain Person (4)

“I, Emilia Vanity, challenge Judas Snakus to a duel, in the name of honor and order.”

As expected, a big one had flown in.

A duel declaration proudly proclaimed in front of other students watching.

The place where the two stood had already become a stage.

A white glove falling to the floor, an atmosphere so tense it felt like it could explode, the eyes of the audience focused on one place.

It was a stage someone had painstakingly designed.

“The price of defeat… is to leave Galimar Academy at the victor’s discretion.”

The girl who orchestrated everything smiles.

The corners of her lips twist viciously.

Although it was a smile tarnished by jealousy, venom, and inferiority… it was rather fatally beautiful.

Like a grotesquely blooming flower.

Her red lips are overly alluring.

Her clearly enunciated voice pierces through like a sharp fingertip.

Like a whisper that colors the world with ecstasy.

“Your answer?”

Did she know I couldn’t refuse?

It was a strangely confident question.

A sweet scent brushed past the tip of my nose.

Denial melts away at the intoxicating allure.

“You make it sound like I was mesmerized into accepting.”

One could say I was driven into a corner.

The choice is forced.

If I refuse the duel here, I’ll end up admitting that I’m a fake top student.

As many people have been suspicious, it would give them something to tear me apart with.

This must have been her goal all along.

To ruin my image as the top student beyond repair.

Even if the duel doesn’t happen, Emilia would have achieved her goal.

“How cunning.”

It seemed she’d used her head a little.

A chuckle escapes me, a smile forming at the admirable effort.

‘An expulsion match, huh?’

I thought she was up to something… but to think she’d bring such an entertaining event.

This is the proper academy life.

There has to be some explosive fun, right?

Just imagining it was enough to get my dopamine pumping.

As I was grinning from ear to ear, Regia, who was walking next to me, spoke up.

“Y-Yo-Young Master… w-what should we do…?”


Emerald eyes filled with anxiety.

She always had a fragile air about her, but now her expression looked like she was about to burst into tears.

Her voice trembles pitifully.

“B-Because of me, Young Master… you have to duel Lady Vanity… I-I’m sorry.”

“Oh dear.”

I’d noticed her expression hadn’t been good.

It seemed our protagonist was worried about me.

Well, it’s true.

Regia was also unaware of my true strength.

Like the other students, she wouldn’t be able to judge recklessly and would be unsure.

And then this bomb was dropped.

- To think he’d actually accept… As expected, he doesn’t know his place.

One of the top elites of this year’s intake, Emilia Vanity.

A powerhouse who had secured the third rank in the year.

It’s understandable that Regia’s mental state would crumble at the declaration of an expulsion match.

Since it happened while I was trying to help Regia, she must feel responsible.

“I-I’m sorry, always… causing trouble… because of me…”

The protagonist was already soft-hearted.

She was a child who could endure others hurting her, but couldn’t forgive herself for hurting others.

Her kind nature remained unchanged from the original story.


My hand moves on its own.

Gently stroking her fluffy pink hair.

Like taming a frightened puppy.

Softly, and tenderly.

“Ah, Y-Young Master…?”

I’m glad she’s worried.

But a smiling face suits her better.

“It’s alright, Regia.”


“In fact, I’m rather delighted that things have turned out this way. I feel like I should bow to Lady Vanity in gratitude.”



I playfully poke her cheek.

A soft sensation lingers as her warm body heat colors my fingertips.

How could anyone bear to make someone like this cry?

“Because now I have the opportunity to show you my amazing skills, Regia.”

I have to surprise her.

So much so that she forgets all about being sad.

‘I’m looking forward to tomorrow.’

It was a day to truly look forward to.


A snake slithering down the hallway.

Its steps are leisurely and smooth.

Watching the situation from a short distance away, a girl mutters as if she can’t comprehend it.

“Strange person.”

Her blue eyes shine serenely.

Platinum blonde hair flutters in the gentle breeze.

Charlotte, who had been perched by the window, tilts her head, watching the disappearing figure.

A sign of her puzzlement.

“I can’t figure out what he’s thinking.”

It was a purely inquisitive question.

Judas Snakus.

What in the world was he planning?

The boy’s peculiar behavior only served to pique Charlotte’s interest.

As a result, the princess had been thinking about him quite often lately.

“It’s difficult.”

He was a hard person to understand.

He clearly had the power to crush everyone, yet he deliberately allowed himself to be bullied by Lady Vanity.

Having witnessed Judas’s power firsthand, Charlotte found his submissive reaction perplexing.

- Shall I help you?

- If you’re enduring this because you’re worried about the Vanity family… I can step in and stop it.

Could he be concerned about the Vanity family name?

She even asked if he needed help.

- If I say the word, she won’t bother you anymore.

It wasn’t in her nature to involve herself in such matters, but he had caught her eye.

He had also helped her during the class placement exam.

She was also slightly concerned about the pink-haired commoner he associated with.


-It’s alright, Your Highness.

The boy firmly refused.

-I have a plan.

-Please just watch quietly. I’m sure you’ll find it entertaining.

Judas replied with a bright smile.

His expression was brimming with anticipation.

A smile that somehow harbored an ominous aura, yet was as innocent as a child’s.

As always, his eyes were clear and untainted.

Charlotte decided to trust his words.

He must have had his reasons.

Perhaps worrying about Judas was pointless.

With a wave of his hand, he could take care of everyone in the academy, so who was there to worry about whom?

She clears her mind of distracting thoughts.

“I’ll just observe a little longer.”

A snake’s voice whispers from afar.

Leaving behind the tangled threads of her questions, the Little Princess quietly turns away.


The duel took place the very next day, as promised.

At the public training grounds where the class placement exam had been held.

It was a space that was usually difficult to reserve due to a packed schedule, but Selena had appeared out of nowhere and taken care of it.

It was impeccable timing, as if she had been waiting for this.

- As this concerns a matter within my assigned class… I will arrange the venue.

- The Headmaster will be officiating the duel.

- The faculty will also be observing this duel.

Not only that, but word had spread that other faculty members would be attending as well.

The stage seemed to be getting bigger than I had anticipated.


I hadn’t expected the professors, known for being notoriously difficult to move, to flock here in droves.

As the supervision of a duel was typically divided into the roles of [Judge, Administrator, and Executor], it was unusual for more than three faculty members to observe.

This duel was a highly exceptional case.

‘Well… I can understand it to some extent.’

These folks had seen me save Charlotte.

The power I displayed then was but a fraction of my true capabilities… but it was an output that defied the norms for a student.

Overwhelming the Steel Princess.

A truly one-of-a-kind talent.

These people had the blood of educators flowing through them.

How could they not be interested when a brilliantly shining gem was glittering right before their eyes?

Therefore, this duel was a form of evaluation.

A way to gauge the true extent of the value I possessed.

‘The professors, I get… but…’

The one who surprised me was Selena.

It was far too unexpected.

In the original story, the ‘Drunkard’ was never one to show interest in such matters.

- I will be serving as the ‘Executor’ for this duel.

- I trust both of you will compete fairly and safely.

Her proactive involvement felt unfamiliar.

What in the world was she scheming?

I pondered for a moment, but soon brushed it aside.

The situation at hand took priority.

“Wow… the scale of this never fails to amaze me.”

With a brief exclamation, I halted my steps.

The center of the circular arena.

I leisurely surveyed my surroundings.

Perhaps word of the duel had spread like wildfire, because even though it was a weekday, the spectator seats were packed with students.

More than I had imagined.

“How exciting.”

“If you’re scared, you’re still free to forfeit.”

A voice suddenly reached my ears.

Looking straight ahead, I was met with the familiar sight of blue, bun-shaped hair.

“Lady Vanity.”

“To be honest, I thought you’d run away… but I have to commend you for at least having the courage to show up.”

“Thank you.”


Emilia seemed particularly pleased with herself.

A smug smile played on her lips.

The urge to wipe that smirk off her face surged within me.

I took a deep breath, reminding myself to be a gentleman, as she glanced around us.

“Are you ready?”


“To be humiliated like this in front of so many people… If it were me, I think I’d die of shame.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Now that would be something to see.

I desperately fought back a laugh.

Suppressing my simmering desire to sow chaos, I masked my true feelings with a gesture.

“It seems we’re about to begin.”

I spotted a faculty member approaching from the opposite side.

All eyes were drawn towards them.

A stage set for a grand performance.

Two actors facing each other.

I suddenly spoke.

Before the impending chaos unfolded, there was one question I needed to ask.

For her sake.

“By the way… may I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“I’m just curious… why are you doing this?”


“Yes, why.”

Emilia Vanity.

With what heart did you torment Regia?

With what thoughts did you look down on those less fortunate, and with what pain did you crave recognition so desperately?

I was asking about the tragic backstory behind it all.

‘Vain People.’

What made you this way?

Life may be a journey of enduring the disease of adulthood, but what caused you to forget your childhood so soon?

What happened on your star?

“Praise is truly sweet.”

Recognition from others.

Being praised for being the prettiest, the best dressed, the richest, the smartest.

But what does it feel like to be so consumed by it that you lose yourself?

The girl always had her defenses up, her demeanor prickly.

She would belittle, push away, and hurt others just to be praised.

But if she were to drive everyone away from her life…

“Lady Vanity, may I ask why you desire the top spot so much?”

…what good would the praise be when she was left alone on her star?

“What a foolish question.”

Emilia replied with an indifferent expression.

As if asking why the sky was blue.

A sneer twisted the corners of her lips. It was clear mockery.

“Because I’m exceptional.”

Her distorted vision prevented her from seeing what truly mattered.

She only ran blindly towards her goal.

That was the way of a ‘child.’

“Unlike a talentless fool like you, I deserve to be in that position.”

“So that is your answer.”

“Therefore, give up now. Unless you want to be utterly crushed.”

“Well… I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

Because there’s someone who wants me to win.

Among the vast audience, I spotted a head of pink hair.

The girl had her hands clasped together in prayer.

I chuckled softly.

“Well then, I’ll do my best.”

“How foolish.”

“Hehe… Perhaps.”

The light banter came to an end.

The faculty member acting as the mediator stepped forward and promptly initiated the duel.

I calmly assumed my stance.

《Combatants, please stand by at your designated positions.》

《This duel will be conducted as a sparring match. It will conclude when one participant subdues or incapacitates the other.》

《Additionally, the duel will also end if one party declares forfeit.》

The basic rules were similar to those of the class placement exam.

Following the instructions broadcasted throughout the arena, I moved to my designated position.

Emilia did the same.


The mediator announced succinctly.

A coin glinted in the air. A symbol of fairness to mark the start of the duel.

The mediator flicked the coin with their finger.

And then…


It soared through the air.

A golden afterimage descended towards the ground.

The coin, spinning rapidly, soon lost its momentum and struck the ground with a resounding clang.


At the same moment, the figures of the two combatants vanished from the stage.

The figures, dispersed like a wisp of smoke, reappeared in the center of the arena.

Two blades clashed.

The first exchange was instantaneous.


And so…

The duel began.

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