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Chapter 29 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

I Became the Mastermind Who Betrays the Heroines,but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Execution (3)

"I will make your body mine."

=I will make you my pawn.

The words were uttered flatly.

I told the girl,

I would be the god who protects her weakness, and asked her to help me from this side.

Emilia's expression hardened for a moment.

"What, what did you just say...?"

"There are many things you can do for me, Lady."

I continued my answer with a sly smile.

"We'll have a lot to think about together... very closely."

=We need to think about the upcoming events... It's just the two of us, but please do your best.

Emilia was a competent individual.

Not to mention her grades and abilities, she was particularly adept at reading the atmosphere.

Her quick calculations also made her a skilled strategist.

In the original story, she was an extra who appeared as a villain, but it was a waste of talent to leave her be.

'She seems like she could be useful in many ways.'

She had hidden connections, and her writing skills were top-notch. It would be perfect to have her help me out with assignments when I felt lazy.

The mere thought was delightful.


A smile automatically spread across my face.

As I sat there with a cheerful expression, the girl suddenly began to sob.

Most pitifully.

"Sob, sob..."

What the.

Why is she crying all of a sudden?

Doesn't she like the terms of the deal?

Hey, I'm saving her life. Can't she at least be my lackey until graduation?

"Why are you crying so sadly?"

I asked in a hurry.

"Isn't this a very desirable deal?"

=Isn't this a good deal?


"If you do your best to satisfy me, I will protect your weakness, Lady."

=I'm going to ask you to do some annoying things sometimes, but just do that diligently. Then I'll protect you, I promise.

"How can I trust someone like you...?"

"You have to."

=What else can you do?

You're in no position to be picky.

The moment I say a word, you'll be expelled and have to say goodbye to this world.

This kid is full of suspicion.

A sigh escaped my lips in frustration.

It seemed I needed to give her a little dose of reality.


"I will make your body mine."

Emilia couldn't help but freeze.

It felt as if her breath was being sucked away.

Her shoulders trembled involuntarily, a reflex born of pure anxiety.

"What, what did you just say...?"

She must have misheard.

Perhaps her mind wasn't entirely clear after crying all night.

The girl clung to a sliver of hope as she spoke.


"There are many things you can do for me, Lady."

Even that fragile hope crumbled.

"We'll have a lot to think about together... very closely."


Her heart plummeted.

It felt as if the very beat that sustained her had ceased.

Her blue eyes were stained with despair.

Weakness, conditions, and price.

The golden snake gazed at her with malicious eyes, its venomous tongue flicking in and out.

Emilia realized.

This boy desired her body.

'Sex slave.'

A single phrase surfaced in her mind.

She desperately wanted to deny the reality, but his gaze was too blatant, rendering her efforts futile.

His narrow eyes held a characteristic sinister glint.


His carefree laughter sent chills down her spine.

Her breathing turned erratic.

She had to bite her lip hard to keep from crying.

Emilia, who had always dedicated herself to her studies.

She had trained through the night, but she had never once been interested in matters between men and women.

This only amplified her confusion.

The fear of the unknown.

Her face turned pale as blood drained from it.


Why was this happening?

The villainess couldn't bring herself to complete the question. She knew deep down that this was all her own doing.

Regret bloomed within her like a single breath.

'I shouldn't have challenged him to a duel.'

She had yearned for the position of top student.

She thought that if she reached that shining position, she could show those old geezers in her family what she was made of.

So she had acted rashly.

The boy who emanated such an unremarkable aura.

She never imagined he would be this strong.

Perhaps it was her arrogance.

In the end, she was humiliated in front of countless students, and now even her purity was about to be taken away.

"Sob, sob..."

Tears welled up.

She didn't want to cry.

She didn't want to be weak.

Even if she had to walk a thorny path, she wanted to be strong, to survive.


"Why are you crying so sadly?"


The tears wouldn't stop.

As she sat there, slumped over and weeping, his whisper reached her once more.

"Isn't this a very desirable deal?"


"If you do your best to satisfy me, I will protect your weakness, Princess."

"How can I trust someone like you...?"

"You have to."

The corners of his lips curled into a dangerous smirk.

The boy responded as if he had been waiting for her words.

"If you want to protect your precious family."

"What do you mean...?"

"Don't you have a twin brother? In the same position as you."

The boy who had entered Class A this year.

His name was Ruska Vanity.

He was the last remaining family Emilia had.

The reason she was so desperate was her love for her brother.

She had to protect him.

"He's someone you rely on so much... I wonder if the elders of your family will just stand by and watch."

His pointed assumption pierced her heart.

The children had no one else to turn to.

If Emilia were to disappear from this world, their fate would be sealed.

It would be the end for them.

"......So, I never had a choice from the beginning."

She muttered to herself.

Her once clear eyes were now dull and lifeless.

"Sob, haa... sniff."

The situation forced her hand.

The cold reality was closing in.

To avoid the worst possible outcome, the girl chose the only path left to her.

Even if it was a thorny one.


It was better than dying.

In the end, the villainess was falling prey to the cunning snake's tongue.

Emilia lowered her gaze.

"I'll do as you say."


The tears that momentarily shimmered in her eyes held a tragic beauty.

"There's something."


"I... I'm completely inexperienced in that area. Please be understanding, even if I'm clumsy."

"It's alright."

His smooth reply came back.

"It would be quite enjoyable to slowly teach the clueless Lady, wouldn't it?"

"......That's a little scary."

"Oh, you don't have to be scared, you know?"

The boy casually extended his arm.

His fingertips slowly reached out and cupped her chin.

As she raised her head, compelled by his gentle force, her eyes met his unwavering gaze.

Emilia's breath hitched.

"I'll be gentle."

You vile creature.

What light do your eyes see me in?

Surely, they must be burning with lust.


His face drew closer.

Is he going to start already?

She was a little.



She closed her eyelids.

Blocking out his gaze brought a small measure of relief.

Of course, the trembling didn't subside.

Thump, thump, thump, thump...!

Her heart pounded in her chest.

The pathetic rhythm threatened to consume her entire world.

And then.


Something touched her lips and then retreated.

It left behind a warm sensation.

Emilia instinctively recognized it as lips.

Her eyes squeezed shut even tighter.

As if unsatisfied, the boy pressed his lips against hers several more times.

But he wasn't rough.

'This is strange.'

It felt as if heat was rising within her.

Her breath hitched.

To regain control of her fading consciousness, the girl clenched her fists.

This continued for a while.

'It's not as painful or uncomfortable as I feared...'

A gentle warmth spread through her.

That was her impression of her stolen first kiss.



"It would be quite enjoyable to slowly teach the clueless Lady, wouldn't it?"

=It means I'll patiently teach and help you if you're not used to it.

"Oh, you don't have to be scared, you know?"

=It really means don't be scared.

"I'll be gentle."

=It means I won't be too hard on you, so don't worry.

The boy himself had no such thoughts.

He wore a puzzled expression.

'Why is she closing her eyes while I'm wiping her lips?'

He was just trying to clean the blood from her bitten lip.

But now she was acting all stiff and trembling every time his finger touched her lips.

'Maybe it's because she's had a hard life... She seems a bit out of it.'


The sensation Emilia perceived as lips was nothing more than his finger.

They were completely misunderstanding each other.

'Well, at least I made a new friend. I should tell Regia to be nice to her.'

The misunderstanding deepened.


And so, the eventful duel came to an end.

We both kept our promises.

The [Executor] was indefinitely postponed according to the victor's will.

Emilia diligently followed me around, fulfilling her role as my secret friend.

The result?


I made a new friend.

"L-Lady? What is the meaning of this...?"

"You, what have you done this time?"

Regia stood there with a hardened expression, while Irene casually leaned back with her arms crossed.

Though they tried to hide it, their surprise was evident.

Ignoring their reactions, I introduced someone to them.

"This is someone I've recently become close with."


It was none other than Emilia.

The villainess stood silently, her blue eyes cold and sharp.

She exuded the haughty aura characteristic of a high-ranking noble.

"L-Lady Vanity...?!"

"It's the girl we met before. The one who was rude to you."

The unexpected appearance of Emilia.

Regia, who was particularly traumatized by the villainess, was startled.

I smiled reassuringly.

"There, there, no need to be afraid, right?"


"We had a heart-to-heart a few days ago. We seem to get along well, so we've decided to become friends."

No need to be scared of her.

With those words, I naturally reached out and patted Emilia's head a few times.

A gesture meant to convey that she was no longer a threat.



The pilot and the fox were both shocked.

To treat the daughter of a Duke's family so casually.

Furthermore, Emilia didn't seem to mind at all and even submitted to his touch, which doubled the shock.

The fox, dumbfounded, asked,

"What kind of threat did you use?"

"Didn't I tell you? We had a heart-to-heart."

"As if."

"Don't you believe me?"

"Nine out of ten things you say are lies. It would be naive to believe you."

"Everyone lies."

"Perhaps, but not as much as you."

A light exchange of words.

Meanwhile, I continued to fiddle with her blue hair.


It was an uncomfortable situation for the villainess.

At first, her eyes narrowed, but now her fists were clenched so tightly that they looked as if they might shatter.

Finally, Emilia couldn't hold back any longer.


She roughly swatted my hand away from her head.

Her blue eyes were blazing with fury.

"Don't get the wrong idea, you two."

Her cold gaze was directed at the other two girls.

It seemed she couldn't bring herself to defy me directly.

Turning slightly away from me, the frustrated Emilia took it out on the innocent bystanders.

"I have no intention of associating with the likes of you - a clueless commoner and a beastly maid in shabby clothes."

Despite her downfall, a villainess was still a villainess.

Vanity burned brightly within her heart.

She might have knelt before me, but she wouldn't lower herself to their level.

Her characteristic arrogance resurfaced.

Emilia glanced at me briefly.

Her eyes seemed to plead for me to allow her this much pride.

"I may have offered you my body... but that doesn't mean I've given you my heart."

"You're right."

"......You'll never have my heart."

"As you wish."

She promised to be on my side, but she still didn't fully trust me.

Well, I had been acting suspiciously.

It was only natural for her to be wary.

Her words stung a little, but I decided to be content for now.

We had plenty of time.

I could take it slow and win her over eventually.


There was a line I couldn't let her cross.

"I would appreciate it if you could watch your words and actions towards these two from now on."

Irene and Regia.

I could tolerate her behavior towards other students, but not towards my people.

I put on a deliberately chilling smile.

"They are precious to me. In fact, I was quite close to getting angry just now."


"Surely you don't want to incur my wrath?"

"......I'll be careful."

Emilia finally nodded, her previous haughty demeanor vanishing as she shrank back.

It seemed my fearsome reputation preceded me.

Even Regia, who had been frozen stiff, began to relax as she observed the subdued villainess.

I watched the scene unfold with satisfaction.


As I nodded in contentment, I felt a sharp poke in my side.

Turning my head, I met the fox's gaze, cold with disdain.

"You said you didn't do anything."

She was always cold, but this was different.

What had gotten into her?

"Offering her body, what in the world did you do to make her say such a thing?"

A chill emanated from her.

The fox paused for a moment before spitting out her accusation.

"......You beast."

Her condemnation was genuine.

For a moment, I could only stare at her in bewilderment.

Wait a minute.

Why is she coming at me like this?



A week had passed.

As I went about my daily routine, slowly adjusting to this new normal, Irene made a request.

"Miss Irene?"

"It's about the children. It's been over a month since I last saw them. I'd like to see their faces."

"Hehe, you must be worried about them."

"Well... I can't deny that."

"I understand. They are precious to you, Miss Irene."

She wanted to see the fox cubs I had entrusted to the care of 'safe people'.

I readily agreed.

"Actually, I've been meaning to visit them myself."

It was time I checked up on them.

I wonder if they were doing well.


The rulers of the city that never cries.

I pondered the faces that came to mind as I rose from my seat.

Well then.

Let's go see our little students.

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  1. Is he brain damaged? Isn’t it quite obvious what those words mean?

    1. What comes out of his mouth and what he thinks he's saying vary, if i recall he actually reacts to this near the beggining, but if he has no intention to say or do those kind of... "things", it would make sense that he doesn't notice the connotations of what he's saying. He geniunely is just like: "Whatever I say is going to be translated to "fancy speech" anyway, so I might as well just get used to it/ignore it. Also, regardless of the reasons (or excuses) in reality it's just made that way so that misunderstandings happend and the author can explore their relationship in a way that's interesting, if they were both happy and kind it would feel like she became a Mary Sue out of nowhere, if she behaves and thinks like he's a monster and he doesn't notice, it makes a fun dynamic.

    2. 'DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH'!? - would be the perfect reaction ever
