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Chapter 34 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

I Became the Mastermind Who Betrays the Heroines,but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Origin (1)

Time flew by.

It had been a while since my last visit, so I thought I might stay a little longer, but unfortunately, my schedule at the Academy was tight.

An important main event was about to begin.

I smacked my lips in disappointment.

The troupe members were in tears at the news of my return.


"How could you leave us with another agonizing wait!"

"We wish to serve you longer! Please, at least depart after a single night...!"

Why were they acting like this?

It wasn't as if I had only endured this for a day or two, but their reactions were still burdensome.

I tried to walk away, pretending to be indifferent.

Two people were waiting by the door.

A girl with long silver hair, and a middle-aged man with striking red hair.

I greeted them in turn.

"I'll be back soon."

"Yes, Master."

"Ehahaha! Have a safe trip."

I felt relieved that at least these two were here.

Even though all the troupe members were strong, they were so unpredictable that I couldn't help but worry.

"Please take care of Astro."

"Until you return, Master... I will gather all the information you requested."

"I'll take good care of our fox guests!"

"Hehe, good."

Both of them gave me trustworthy answers.

Thanks to them, I was able to leave the basement with a peace of mind.

"Let's go then."

And so, I returned to the Academy.


"Didn't you have a fulfilling weekend?"

"I suppose so."

"I'm a bit tired, but... it was good to see everyone after so long."

"The children definitely seem to be doing well."


We were on our way to class as always.

The snake, the fox, and the pilot walked side by side down the hallway.

I asked casually.

"How about you, Miss Regia?"

"Y-yes, me?"

"How did you spend your weekend?"

"Ah... I, I just wandered around the academy. It's so big that... there are still many places I haven't seen yet..."

"How interesting."

As expected of the protagonist.

She was very interested in her surroundings.

The original story had the same feeling.

A story of meeting people and building relationships while wandering through a vast field.

Personally, I liked its unique lingering charm.

'I'm glad you enjoyed it.'

I smiled faintly.

Even in a setting that treated her as a mere outsider, the way she stubbornly bloomed alone was beautiful.

My hardened heart softened.

A lingering affection.

As I was walking in a refreshing mood...

"Student Judas."

Suddenly, I heard a voice.

When I turned around to see who it was, I saw an old man with a thick beard.

He had a dignified air about him.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?"

He was one of the professors at the academy.

He was the professor in charge of [The Limits of Magic Manifestation], a veteran even in Galimar.

He was also respected by many students.

"It'll only take a moment."

"Professor Raphael."

"I didn't expect you to know the name of an old man like me."

"You're known as the wisest sage, are you not? I've heard a lot about your reputation, Professor."

"Chuckle... I like you. You're a bright one."

The old man smiled as if he was impressed.

He was known for being kind to his students, but this felt somewhat overtly favorable.

I had a feeling I knew what this was about.

I quietly listened to the professor's words.

"I have a proposition for you."

"Please, tell me."

"Would you be interested in learning magic more deeply?"


So it's happening again.

The familiar bait was being cast. The conversation was flowing exactly as I had predicted.

I sighed inwardly.

'How many times has it been today?'

It was something that had been repeated constantly over the past few days.

The duel a few days ago had been shocking in many ways.

Since that day, the faculty had begun to visit me every day as if they had made a promise.

They all had the same purpose.

"My lab is short-staffed these days. I was thinking of taking on a promising student as my disciple..."

Professors were setting their sights on me.

Perhaps it was because of the consecutive shocking performances I had shown, but I was being bombarded with scouting offersfrom everywhere.

It was as if they were competing with each other in their eagerness.

Every time, I had to force a troubled smile.

"...So, what do you think?"

"That's a very kind offer."

This time was no different.

Behind my polite tone, I gently raised the corners of my lips.



"It's such a sudden offer that it's giving me a lot to think about."

"I understand completely. You must have received similar offers."

"This might sound a little arrogant, but... would it be alright if I took some time to consider?"

"Of course."

The old man readily nodded.

"You're a cautious one."

"My apologies."

"No need to apologize. I rather like it. It's the temperament of an exceptional mage."

"Thank you. I'll let you know once I've made up my mind."

"Very well. See you around."

Words promising another time.

The professor, looking somewhat disappointed, turned around and walked away.

As I watched his retreating figure...

Irene, who had been watching from the side, cautiously spoke up.

"It's strange."


"You. You're not planning on joining any of them, are you?"

"That's right."

"Then why don't you just say no?"

The fox narrowed her eyes.

She tilted her head as if she didn't understand.

"If it's really bothering you, you can just tell them to back off... Why do you always give them vague answers?"

So she was curious about that.

From her perspective, I must look like a guy who has no intention of joining but keeps toying with them.

I answered quietly.

"Because I feel bad."


"They all think highly of me. It's hard for me to flatly refuse them."

"That's oddly considerate and timid... Doesn't suit you."

"That hurts, you know."

It wasn't entirely wrong, though.

I mean, I did look menacing.

The world is such an unfair place where a kind heart is misunderstood just because of one's appearance. A bitter smile naturally spread across my face.

I quietly added,

"And if I leave things open like this, I can use them whenever I want, right?"


"I should be able to use them a few times, using favors as an excuse."

People are more anxious when they hear a "maybe" than a "no."

Since all the professors at Galimar were currently obsessed with acquiring me, I would use this situation to my advantage.

The longer I delayed my decision, the more anxious they would become.

And they would gradually try to win me over with more special methods.

"I apologize to the professors, but... in short, I'm just playing with them for a bit."

My grades, convenience, life, etc., would all become more pleasant.

In their eyes, I was a "diamond in the rough" worthy of such treatment.

Of course, there would be side effects if I went too far, but...

"Hehe, I'm confident I can handle it."


"Why are you looking at me like that?"


"Miss Irene?"


A perfect plan.

As I was grinning with satisfaction, I felt a strange gaze on me.

Black eyes stared at me with a complicated sigh.

It was as if they were saying, "You're such a handful."... Anyway, it was a very disrespectful look.

I asked awkwardly, "Did I say something wrong?"



"That's just how the world works. I'm not the weird one here."


No, seriously.

Say something.

She wasn't even scolding me like she usually did, just remaining silent.

It was a strangely annoying reaction.


Annoyed, I grabbed her swaying tail.

The fox's shoulders flinched, and the silence was broken.


"You're being punished."

"W-wait, hmph...! I, I didn't say anything, uhh, wrong...!"

"Your disrespectful gaze is the problem."

"Hngh?! S-stop it...! I-it feels really weird!!"

"You brought this upon yourself."

The sounds of crime and punishment continued.

The atmosphere was lively with their bickering.

For a while, the fox's screams echoed loudly between us.


The wild professors continued to appear relentlessly.

However, after a few days, their aggressive "hug me" offensive seemed to be waning.

It wasn't as if they had completely given up.

-"I'll think carefully about it."

It's just that I kept repeating those words.

I had managed to give a "pending" answer to most of the professors.

It had been a dizzying few days.

Well, better safe than sorry.

It was a peaceful daily life after a long time since the duel.

Thanks to that, a quiet daily life...

I thought the snake could enjoy its leisure under the warm summer sun...


...If it weren't for this girl who suddenly greeted me.

"Long time no see."

As I was enjoying my walk alone...

Someone approached me.

Platinum blonde hair swaying in the lukewarm breeze, blue eyes resembling the sea.

A subtle aura gathered and dispersed.

"...Your Highness?"

It was none other than Charlotte.

I thought the persistent professors had backed off and things were finally calming down.

But now the princess herself was clinging to me.

'This is even better?'

A beloved character from the game.

And for Charlotte, who could be considered a pillar of the story, to initiate a conversation with me...

It was a delightful situation.

I smiled brightly and said,

"Greetings, First Star of the Empire."

"Yes, hello."

"What brings you here?"

"Just... I wanted to see you."

"You came to see... me?"


The girl nodded quietly.

Her pupils were transparent as they looked at me.

Charlotte stared at me for a moment, then suddenly leaned in close.

Before I could react...

Her nose touched my chest.


"Your Highness?"

A sudden and unexpected action.

I called out to Charlotte in surprise, but she just sniffed me silently.

As if she was smelling me.

"Sniff, sniff."

What kind of 4D move was this?

As I stared at her with a silent question mark, she pulled away after getting close enough.

A faint smile graced her lips.

Pure white, shining transparently.

"You smell cool."


"It's amazing. You smell like winter."

"A wintery scent, you say...?"

"It's a good thing."

"I see."

She was an enigma.

Last time, she complimented me on my clean smile, and this time, it was my cool scent.

Was this her way of showing affection?

"I don't understand what you mean... but thank you nonetheless."


Charlotte blinked.

Her hand was stroking my head before I knew it.

A gentle pat.

'She's been treating me like a baby from the start.'

To think she'd react so innocently even though she knew my power.

I decided to play along for a while.

She looked cute standing on her tiptoes because of her small stature.

As she continued to pet me, the girl suddenly spoke.

"It's unexpected."

"What do you mean?"

"The other day, the duel."

"Are you referring to Lady Vanity?"


Now that she mentioned it...

This was our first conversation since then.

Charlotte tilted her head.

"It was unexpected. I thought you were going to kill her."

"Excuse me? Me, kill the Lady...?"


"Of course not."

"But she offended you. She was badmouthing you."

"That's hardly a crime punishable by death."

What did everyone think of me?

They kept asking if I was going to kill someone.

They had no idea how gentle and kind I was.

"You really are strange."

"Am I?"

"What kind of person are you? A good person? Or a bad person?"

"It depends on your perspective."

"Yes, I suppose so."

Charlotte nodded expressionlessly.

We exchanged a few more words in this strange back-and-forth.

"The midterm exams are coming up soon."

"They're next week already. It's quite a tight schedule, isn't it?"

"I'm looking forward to it."


"I told you I'd be watching."

Was she talking about the class placement exams?

I recalled the brief memory.

The platinum-blonde girl smiled softly.

"For now, at least. I want to know more about you."

"I don't think I'm hiding anything... but I'll do my best to meet your expectations."


The Galimar midterm exams.

As the students were busy with their daily lives, the date was fast approaching.

It was also an event I was personally looking forward to.

'Bergen's nightmare.'

There was an event that came to mind.

It was one of the core stories of the original work and one of the most highly acclaimed episodes.

[EP6. Bergen Belsen]

-The Lost Girl, the Monsters Who Cannot Cry-

It was the event I was most looking forward to in the early parts of the story.

A smile crept onto my face.

"Next week should be interesting."

I muttered to myself quietly.


A few days passed.

As the exam period approached, the atmosphere at the academy grew colder.

Perhaps it was because of the tense atmosphere surrounding academics.

The air was as cold as ice.

-As previously announced, the upcoming midterm exams will be conducted in groups of three, formed at the students' discretion.

-Please form your groups and submit a list of members to your respective professors as soon as possible.

-Galimar wishes all students the best of luck.

-May this be an opportunity for you to prove yourselves.

The announcement came two days before the exam.

It was an unexpected request.

The students, though caught off guard, were busy forming groups to take the exam.

I was no exception.

"Y-Young Master... D-don't we, uh, need one more person?"

"It's alright, Miss Regia."

In the end, the exam was to be taken in groups of three.

Including myself and Regia, we needed one more person to submit the list.

Of course, there was no need to worry.

"We have one more friend, don't we?"

I had made a connection in preparation for such a situation.

I walked over with a cheerful stride.

Towards the girl with blue, bun-shaped hair huddled over her desk.

"Lady Vanity."

As I approached her with a bright voice...

"Step aside."

Someone blocked my path.

A young boy came into view. He had blue hair, resembling the villainess.

"Judas Snakus."

He had a strangely overbearing aura about him.

The sword worn at his waist was ornately decorated with the Vanity family crest.

I recognized him immediately.

"I won't stand by and watch you act so recklessly any longer."

Ruska Vanity.

Emilia's twin brother and, similarly, an extra who played the role of a villain in the early parts of the story.

His blue eyes glared at me.

"I will protect Emilia."

A declaration full of spirit.

To think he would utter such a line, as if he were protecting his precious family from an evil mastermind...

I was dumbfounded.

What was this now?

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