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Chapter 47 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

The Villainous Young Lady’s Despicable Move (5)

‘Hmm, I think I can feel something…’

Selena closed her eyes and shut down each of her senses that had been working unconsciously.

Then, in her heightened awareness, she felt something tickling her body.

‘Hmm!? Is this it?’

Honestly, Selena still couldn't understand why she was doing this meditation.

What was the point of mana roads to become a knight, and what did it even mean to not have to train?

However, Selena's faith in Zeke was considerable.

'He said if I do this, I can wield a sword.'

That day, the most embarrassing and mortifying night of Selena’s life.

Selena had kicked her blanket until late at night, muttering, “I’m crazy, I’m crazy!”

Then, just before she fell asleep from exhaustion,

All that remained was resentment towards Zeke and her initial goal of becoming a knight.

'...Anyway, the instructor did that for me. So there must be a reason for this too.'


‘He's going to do that to all the students!?’

Maybe she wouldn't have had such worries if it were a normal knighthood class.

What's there to worry about taking off some clothes and having someone put their hand on your back in a place teeming with men?

But there are four women in this class.

And they are all beautiful women!

‘Ah, I really hate this… Oh, then should I just blindfold Instructor Zeke?’

It was a sudden thought, but it seemed like a good plan.

She could visit him herself, blindfold him, and observe.

Then honestly? There's no need to suspect him of doing anything strange, and the female students would feel at ease, right?

Selena, far from meditating, had already drifted into delusion.

‘And! He said he wouldn’t meet Iriel, but in the end, he did and even got a necklace!? What’s that all about! I’ve never seen anything like that on the instructor’s neck!’

If there was even the slightest change in Zeke's usual appearance, Selena would never miss it and remember it. So she also remembered his appearance when he returned from his three-day leave.

'And he even got a strange tattoo on the back of his hand! Couldn't he have at least discussed it with me beforehand! The back of the hand is too visible!'

Of course, the tattoo itself suited him quite well.

She thought it wouldn't hurt to have such a wild point in his always stoic and stone-like appearance.

'Really, what if my father and mother misunderstand him as a delinquent because of the tattoo when I introduce him later!'

Selena, now forgetting all about mana, began to drift off on a distant journey.

Greetings, Lord Yohaiden, please give me your daughter’s hand in marriage.

Zeke wasn’t the type to beat around the bush, so he’d definitely cut to the chase.

Then, her father, the daughter enthusiast, would surely make an unpleasant expression.

What!? Our daughter!! How dare you! Who, who are you!!!

I am Zeke Clayman, an instructor at Ramielli Academy.

Clayman? Never heard of it. You dare ask for my daughter’s hand when you come from a family so insignificant!? Do you have a lot of money?

I come from a noble family in the North. And I have no money.

At those words, her father would make a disgusted face and scan him from head to toe, looking for Zeke's flaws.

Then he would discover the tattoo on the back of his hand and frown even more.

A tattoo on the back of your hand, I can tell what you were like in your youth. No money, and your job is a mere swordsmanship instructor. Ha. Absolutely not.

Father! No! This man saved my life!

Selena, get a hold of yourself. You can’t decide your life based on a fleeting emotion!


Very well. Then, I shall take her with me.

Did you hear me correctly!?

Knock knock knock

Zeke, who secretly came to see Selena through the window in the middle of the night.

Selena, who was crying in her room, hugging her pillow, discovered him and opened the window.

Let’s go.


Let’s leave this place.

Selena hesitated between her family and love, but in the end, she was dragged away by Zeke, who grabbed her wrist…

Eventually, Zeke takes Selena and begins their elopement.

Avoiding the knights of Yohaiden, avoiding her father and brothers,

And occasionally fighting monsters, and Iriel even shows up once…

They overcome countless hardships, trials, and adventures.

And as we share many experiences together, our love only deepens.

In the end, Zeke and Selena abandoned their names.

No one knows our past, so we became commoners.

Arriving in a peaceful countryside, Selena does the laundry and Zeke chops wood.

But we didn't think we were unhappy.

Sometimes we missed the soft blankets and delicious meals,

But we had a daughter and a son with black and silver hair…




"Gasp! Y-yes!"

Selena's eyes flew open.

Zeke was right in front of her.


Selena flinched in surprise and averted her gaze.

"I called you several times, but you didn't answer. Were you asleep?"

"Oh, um, yes…. I must have dozed off."

"Class is already over."

"I-is that so!?"

Zeke nodded.

Lost in her deep delusion, Selena had no idea how much time had passed.

‘Oh no, then I didn't even train…’

Just as guilt began to creep in, Zeke's words made it all disappear.

"And Iriel said she has something to tell us."


"Yes, let's go see her."

'That cliff! She tried every trick in the book to separate Zeke and me!'

It was Iriel, who shamelessly used every underhanded tactic, despite being a noble.

Of course, it was all in Selena's delusion,

But sparks flew from Selena's eyes.

She walked alongside Zeke towards a quiet and secluded place.

"Why did she want to see us?"

"Well, I don't think it's related to me. Perhaps I had a connection with her in the past."

"Ah, you don't remember, Instructor…"

Selena clenched her fists.

'She's definitely up to something to take the instructor away from me!'

I will never give him up. Selena made up her mind.

As they walked, a sudden thought occurred to her.

'Wait, but why did the instructor accept Iriel's proposal?'

Before she could ask Zeke, she spotted red hair in the distance.

* * *

Zeke led Selena to the place where Iriel had asked them to meet.

Iriel, dressed in training clothes, looked far from presentable.

She was covered in dirt and sweat.


"Use honorifics."


"Why did you call for us?"

Zeke cut straight to the point.


Iriel glanced at Selena and then turned her gaze back to Zeke.

She seemed to be choosing her words carefully.

“As you might already know, Instructor…. My family is going to try to eliminate you….”

Selena's eyes widened in shock.

“What!? What are you talking about!”

Zeke raised a hand to calm Selena down.

“And the reason you're telling us this is?”

"……Th-that’s because I…. No, because I don't want you, Instructor, to suffer that fate…. And I wanted to help Selena Yohaiden too…"

"Ha, how foolish."

Zeke cut her off and threw the baguette in his hand towards Iriel.




She dodged clumsily and fell on her bottom.

Fortunately, the baguette Zeke threw missed Iriel.

She glared at Zeke with venomous eyes as she sat on the ground.

"W-what was that for! Zeke!"

"Look behind you."

Zeke pointed a finger at a spot a short distance away.

At his words, Iriel turned her head to look behind her.



In the distance, the middle-aged man who had been assisting Iriel was clutching his stomach and kneeling on the ground.

"So the tail followed us after all."

Zeke walked towards the man with heavy footsteps.

The man, trying to maintain his composure, let out a sneer.

"Ha, Zeke Clayman. Long time no see."

"Is that so."


Without another word, Zeke's baguette struck the man's head.

"Gah! You! You bastard! Do you think you can get away with this!"



"Yes, I think I can."





Zeke mechanically swung the bread, pummeling the man's body.

As the bread landed on his vital points, the man's initially arrogant expression gradually faded.

“H-hey, s-stop it!! I-I!”


“Stop it!”



The man collapsed to the ground, his body trembling.

Zeke searched the man's pockets.

“There’s nothing. Hmm, what should I do… Should I interrogate him for information?”

Just then, Selena and Iriel caught up to him.

Iriel clenched her fists and spoke to the man.

“H-Hades!! You!!!”

The trembling man regained his previous arrogance and struck a pose.

“Cough. Haha. My lady. You've been taking Zeke Clayman's class, haven't you? Heh heh. The Prince, Yohaiden, and now Zeke Clayman… Have you betrayed us in the end?”

“No! I…!”

“Ha, ha, what were you thinking? My lady. You were clearly warned. To think you would be so reckless…”



“Stop posing. It's annoying.”

‘Hmm, torturing him for information within the academy would be a bit troublesome, wouldn’t it?’

For now, Zeke decided to knock the man unconscious.


Zeke lightly swung the bread, hitting the man's jaw. The light faded from the man's eyes as he collapsed with a thud.

"Did you kill him!?"

Iriel exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock, as she stared at Zeke.

"No, I just knocked him out. Anyway, he's right about you being foolish, Iriel."

"How dare you say that after what I did!"

Iriel bit her lip and glared at Zeke, but he couldn't help but agree with the man's words about her being reckless.

He didn't know the exact details, but he could roughly grasp the situation from the man's words and her reaction.

She truly was foolish.

It seemed Iriel had boldly joined his class despite knowing her family was targeting him.

'I thought she was here on her family's orders.'


'If you knew they were after me, you should have stayed quiet and avoided the class. Or found a way to approach me privately.'

Right after finding out about the plan to eliminate him, she brazenly entered a place crawling with Yohaiden and Imperial family members to attend his class.

What kind of message did she think that sent?

'Don't tell me she thought this wouldn't get exposed? But would they really kill their own daughter?'

Zeke decided to ask Iriel directly.

"Iriel, it seems your presence in my class has been exposed. What do you think will happen to you now?"

At Zeke's words, Iriel's hands trembled as if she was having a panic attack.

"N-no! I can't be expelled!!! Engagement or a monastery…"

"But they won't kill you, right?"

"……Zeke, how can you say that!"


Zeke frowned.

'Then why would she die?'

A sudden early exit for the villainess?

If the villainess's role in this romance fantasy world disappeared, Soy's hardships would be cut in half.

However, Zeke decided to confirm one more thing.

"Iriel, what was your original plan?"

"…Through this airhead, I was going to secure Yohaiden's support… and use the necklace to ask the First and Second Princes for help…"

Zeke's brow furrowed.

Selena also looked at Iriel with a dumbfounded expression, a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.

‘This idiot is actually the villainess?’

Zeke was someone who repaid kindness with kindness and malice with greater malice.

Iriel hadn't directly harmed him.

So, did she help him?

That was a bit ambiguous.

Of course, her intentions were good. It's just that the results were like this.

'If I had to choose, I did receive some help.'

Even if those targeting him had suddenly appeared, it wouldn't have been particularly dangerous.

But there was a clear difference in the level of annoyance between being aware beforehand and being caught off guard.

And thanks to the magic stone necklace, he got a pretty tattoo on the back of his hand.

"Iriel, how did you know I needed a magic stone back then?"

"Magic stone? That necklace!?"


"Well, I…. I handed over all your money to the army…"

Sparks flew from Zeke's eyes.

'It was you!!'

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